Neil Browne of Versus TV. While I waited thinking about where would be the best place to watch the race go by, I was approached by Neil who had apparently just seen the controversial email containing doping allegations by Floyd Landis but had for the moment been tasked with looking for some "local color" among the spectators. When he introduced that he was from Versus, several spectators within earshot confronted him and complained about the prior day's Stage 3 broadcast that cut off the last two minutes of the race.
I told him that I'd let him interview me if he agreed to let me take his picture. What I didn't tell him was that I'd use it to ID him and come after him if he said anything too ridiculous about me on Versus!
I don't know if it was ever broadcast, but the interview was pretty much used as is, without editing. I found it on the Versus website, but I don't know how long it will be there.